The production process for the product and service is often hindered by problems caused by input factors like man., material, machine and methods. If these important four factors are not managed well then it would result in service or products which consist of defects or defectives which poses as problems resulting in reduced profits or even losses.
It is therefore of utmost importance that these problems be solved by 7 QC Tools It is essentially a small group of workers (usually from the same work area) who do similar work and who meet voluntarily and regularly to identify, analyze and solve work related problems in their own work area using quality control techniques. The 7 QC TOOLS activities provide the workers an opportunity to contribute to their own development as well as to the growth of the organisation. Employees who participate in 7 QC TOOLS activities usually experience greater satisfaction from their work.
An indirect benefit of 7 QC TOOLS activities is increased productivity and quality consciousness among the QC Circle members. 7 QC TOOLS can create the environment where employees can improve quality of service through higher performance combined with a positive attitude.
Course Objectives:
Train and lead Circle Leaders and members in 7 QC TOOLS knowledge,
Train and lead Circle Leaders and members the use of tools and techniques in problem solving,
Understand the Tools &Techniques in 7 QC TOOLS activities.
Will be able to solve quality problems using the tools.
Date: 13th & 14th June 2017
Venue: Opulent Solutions Sdn. Bhd., Bayan Lepas, Malaysia
Who Must Attend:
Managers, Executives, Supervisors and other personnel who will be coordinating and facilitating 7 QC TOOLS activities. It is proposed that the number of participants be limited to between 15 to 25 people. It is suitable for Circle Leaders as a refresher course.
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