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Trans-Generation Conflict-Resolution & Communication In Workplace
Date: 9th - 10th October 2018
Venue: Vistana Hotel, Bayan Lepas, Penang
Format: In House Training for Benchmark Electronics (M) Sdn. Bhd.
From the beginning of the study into Generations till now, we have ventured through five Generations. This course teaches the candidates how to bridge the Generation gaps through knowing each Personality. This course also teaches the candidate on how to communicate correctly with each other, and resolve conflicts across cultures.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
Identify characteristics and gain a better understanding of the later four generations
Improve communications and team work
Accept personal responsibility in working together
Provide tips and suggestions for overcoming generational differences
Learning their Personalities
Learn how to Communicate with each type of Personality
To resolve conflicts across cultures
Who Should Attend:
This course is suitable for Supervisors, Assistant Managers, Managers and Leaders that potentially dealing with different generation of subordinates in workplace.
2 Days Course Outline:
The Five Generations defined
What years are the Generations
Naming the Generations – universally accepted names
What makes one generation different from another?
Generational differences
Advantages and disadvantages of each Generation
Events and Experiences that Shaped Generations
Sporting events
War happening in the Generation
Other important happening that shaped the Generations
Common Values of each Generation
Values defined for the Generations
Generations in the Workplace
What each Generation carries into their Workplace
Advantages and disadvantages of each Generation in the Workplace
On-the-Job Strengths
SWOT Analysis of each Generation
Generational Challenges we face in the Workplace
How to work with each Generation
On-the-Job Challenges
What to look for in the Strengths and Weaknesses of each Generation
Bridging the Generation Gaps
Bringing all current Generations together
Influencing and negotiations between each Generation
Recruiting and Managing Young Professionals
How to deal with the Gen Y and Millennial
Recruiting and Managing Retiring Professionals
How to deal with the Baby Boomers and early Gen X
Resolving Conflicts across Cultures
Conflict management
Personality of each Generation
Understanding personality
Personality measures
A single personality
A combination of personalities
Communicating with all Generations
Putting it all together
Action Plan
Please contact to HR department of Benchmark to register yourself for this course if you are interested on it.