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Biorisk Management Training

Format:                    Five Days Biorisk Management Workshop

Date & Venue:        3th - 7st Oct 2022    (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)


Workshop Highlights:

  • The necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to efficiently maintain a laboratory.

  • Biorisk management system compliant the requirement of CEN Workshop Agreement 15793.

  • The International standard for biorisk management systems.


The “Five Days Biorisk Management Training Workshop”, organized by the TSY Consultancy PLT Malaysia and by BRM experts. The training offers a first complete analysis of biological risk, and an introduction on biosafety and biosecurity as sets of measures that can help manage biological risk. The course will introduce new concepts of biorisk management which combines risk assessment, risk mitigation and performance systems. It will provide the participants with proper knowledge and skills to adequately implement a biorisk management system in their facilities to perform a through biosafety and biosecurity assessment formulate mitigation measures and ensure their effectiveness.


This training will provide the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills needed to efficiently implement and maintain a laboratory biorisk management system compliant with the requirement of CEN Workshop Agreement 15793, the internationally accepted standard for biorisk management systems.


Workshop Objectives:

Upon completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand Legal Requirements on Chemical safety.

  • To make participants aware about laboratory biosafety and biosecurity protocols.

  • To enable participants perform a systematic method of biosafety and biosecurity risk assessment.

  • To sensitize and motivate them regarding laboratory biosafety and biosecurity measures.

  • To enable them and encourage them to apply key principles of risk management (risk assessment, risk mitigation and performance management) in their own facilities.

  • To ensure the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures through performance management.


Who Should Attend:

  • Accounting & Finance staff interested to learn more about Internal Audit and Risk Management

  • Health Professionals, Laboratory Managers/Workers, Veterinarians and Physicians.

  • Good command of English is required.

  • The variety of presented topics addresses the needs and interests of different professionals in the field of bio-risk management. Anyone who interested in Biorisk Management topic are most welcome!

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