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Courses in Thailand
TSY International held our training courses in Thailand.
Friendly and fun-loving, cultured and historic, Thailand radiates a golden hue, from its glittering temples and tropical beaches through to the ever-comforting Thai smile.
Adored around the world, Thai cuisine expresses fundamental aspects of Thai culture: it is generous, warm, refreshing and relaxed. In between the cluttered cities and towns is the rural heartland, which is a mix of rice paddies, tropical forests and squat villages tied to the agricultural clock. The celestial world is a close confidant in this Buddhist nation, and religious devotion is colourful and ubiquitous.
Gleaming temples and golden Buddhas frame both the rural and the modern landscape. With a long coastline (actually, two coastlines) and jungle-topped islands anchored in azure waters, Thailand is a tropical getaway for the hedonist and the hermit, the prince and the pauper.
We are confident that every participant will have a enjoyable learning session in the great environment of this venue.
Thailand Course Categories as below:
Leadership & Management
Customer Services & Public Relations
Human Recourses Management
Soft Skills
Business Management
Project Management
Finance, Banking and Budgeting
Accounting & Internal Auditing
Course Duration: 5 Days, 14 Days, or 19 Days Courses
Please contact us for more info, we ensure best quality training and services will be provided.
Call or WhatsApp: Hussein +60 11 60936445 (Arabic, WhatsApp Only)
Sunny +60 12 6243921 (English)
Email to us: marketing@tsy.my
Cities Available for Training Arrangement in Thailand: Bangkok, Phuket
Thailand Courses Schedule 2024
Training Venue
Middle East
Morocco - Casablanca, Marrakesh
United Kingdom - London, Edinburgh
France - Paris, Marseille, Lyon
Germany - Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich