T: +6012-6243921 (English)
+6011-60936445 للتواصل باللغة العربية - Øسين/ مدير التسويق - اتصال أو واتساب:

Health & Safety
Organisations with a strong and viable Health and Safety culture typically experience fewer at risk behaviours, incidents, emergencies and crises; consequently they also experience lower accident rates, lower staff turn-over, lower absenteeism but higher productivity. They are usually companies who are deemed extremely successful by all involved stakeholders excelling in all aspects of business and excellence.
TSY International Health and Safety courses cover new and best practice areas as well as knowledge and certified courses and all are designed for career development, progression and company profitability. With so much at stake, and to ensure that you can make a difference, We have compiled an excellent list of key and relevant training courses delivered by the world’s best speakers, instructors, and coaches suiting all types of organisations.
Courses can be arrange in different length of duration in different cities globally upon request.
Courses Duration: 5 Days, 14 Days, or 19 Days
Please contact us for more info, we ensure best quality training and services will be provided.
Call or WhatsApp: Hussein +60 11 60936445 (Arabic, WhatsApp Only)
Sunny +60 12 6243921 (English)
Email to us: marketing@tsy.my
Training Venue
Health & Safety Courses Schedule 2024
Middle East
Morocco - Casablanca, Marrakesh
United Kingdom - London, Edinburgh
France - Paris, Marseille, Lyon
Germany - Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich