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Contract Management:

Formation, Bidding, Execution and Evaluation

Date:      3rd - 21th Dec 2018

Venue:   Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Course Highlights:

  • Contract Formation and Management

  • The Risk Management Perspectives of Contract

  • Bidder Selection, Tender Evaluation and Negotiations

  • Contract Execution and Evaluation Process

  • Contract Performance Management and The Next Steps


For any organisation to be successful it is essential that a contract management function is in place, with the right knowledge and skills to carry out procurement activities effectively. This requires one or more individuals who can create and manage the organisation’s relationships with vendors, service suppliers and contractors. Procurement is often carried out through Competitive Bidding and Tendering. Partnering is a broad term used to describe a more collaborative approach between the parties in developing and operating a contract. Competitive bidding, tendering and partnering might therefore be considered as opposite ends of a procurement spectrum. Somewhere between these two extremes is the right approach for your organisation’s next purchasing activity.


Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to:​

  • Explain the engagement and management of vendors, service suppliers and contractors

  • Demonstrate their knowledge about how to transfer risk through different contract types

  • Define bidding, partnering and explore the challenges and opportunities of partnering approaches

  • Explore the format, content and value of competitive procurement

  • Learn how to set and maintain high standards in procurement

  • Develop methods of applying Total Cost of Ownership

  • Learn methods of tender evaluation

  • Review contract strategies

  • Explore issue of successful contract administration

  • Understand remedies in case of breach of contract and standard approaches to claims and dispute resolution


Who Should Attend:

Project, Contracts, and Procurement personnel.

And all others who are involved in the planning, bidding, evaluation, preparation and management of tenders, specifications, awards, and contracts that cover the acquisition of materials, equipment, and services in the organizations activities.


Call / WhatsApp us for further information and registration of this program.

Mr Hussein (Arabic): +60 13 245 5065

Mr Sunny (English): +60 17 403 6965




Please download the course brochure by clicking the button below.

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