T: +6012-6243921 (English)
+6011-60936445 للتواصل باللغة العربية - Øسين/ مدير التسويق - اتصال أو واتساب:
Digital Business Leadership: Leading the Digital Era Transformation
Format: Five Days Leadership & Management Course
Date: 24th - 28th October 2022
Venue: Dubai, UAE
Course Highlights:
Leadership Skills Required of a New Manager / Supervisor
Importance of Goal Setting and Planning for a New Manager / Supervisor
Time Management and Communication as Effective Disciplines for New Managers / Supervisors
How New Managers / Supervisors Build Effective Working Relationships
Developing Personal and Work Group Improvement Plans
Having a very well thought through, systematic and interesting social media presence is now a basic requirement for big corporations. The world has changed significantly because of connectivity among people, improved internet speeds, affordable technologies and 24/7 rolling news. There has also been an umbrella shift in the customer mindset. People are savvier, much more exposed to other offers and they are able to search online for what is out there globally, regardless of brand and nationality.
Organisations now need digitally-savvy leaders and employees to remain relevant and keep their customers. We need deep data-driven understanding of our marketplace, meaningful relationships through online communications and offers that drive retention and loyalty.
The Digital Business Leadership Training Course explores emerging best practices in social media and digital leadership, encouraging delegates to identify the blocks and opportunities for introducing digital transformation into their organisation.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the programme, participants will have a more profound understanding and knowledge of the following areas: -​
Assessing digital technologies and identifying those that will help the organisation address marketplace challenges and customer needs
Introducing digital technologies into the organisation with the support of leadership and so they are accepted by employees
Using social media and digital to resolve customer problems and build conversations and on-going relationships around brand, products and service
Developing deep customer and employee insights through analysis of digital data
Managing brand identity and reputation online through marketing and PR campaigns that deliver business benefits
Engaging employees through social media and building a collaborative and high performance internal culture
Effectively measuring digital outcomes and demonstrating the benefits to leadership.
The course will be conduct in English and Arabic.
لغة البرنامج: العربية + الانجليزية
Who Should Attend:
Digital Business Leadership training course will benefit business leaders and professionals who wish to use social media and other digital technologies for customer service, branding, recruitment, talent management and employee engagement.
Call / WhatsApp us for further information and registration of this program.
Mr Hussein (Arabic): +6011-60724931
Mr Sunny (English): +60 12 6243921
Email: marketing@tsy.my