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Project Cost Estimating Skills & Internal Control

- Compliance, Operational and Financial Aspect

Format: 5 Days Project Costing Course

Date & Venue:        21 - 25 Apr 2019              (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

                                  28 Apr - 2 May 2019       (Istanbul, Turkey)


  • Developing the Project Budget & Cost Control  

  • Advanced Estimating Methods

  • Implementing Controls in Business Cycles

  • External Reporting


The estimating techniques covered in this course will provide delegates with the necessary skills to forecast accurately the anticipated costs of projects with a focus on estimates for pre-construction services, estimating sub-contractor work, estimating general conditions, pricing self-performed work, and estimating negotiated contracts.

The development of reliable cost estimates during the design and early conceptual stages of a proposed project is of critical importance since the decision to proceed with a project is often based almost exclusively on early conceptual cost estimates. These estimates also provide the basis for the cash flow projections and forecasts used during the project feasibility study.


At the end of the programme, participants will have a more profound understanding and knowledge of the following areas: -​

  • In-depth understanding of the types of risks that threaten organization at any given time.

  • Apply techniques used in Project estimating, from the conceptual stage to the final detailed estimate

  • Understand the different types of contracts based on the distribution of risk between contracting parties

  • Synthesize innovative incentive arrangements to get the best results from the contract

  • Apply proper risk analysis to effectively mitigate risks at minimal costs, and to determine appropriate contingencies for residual risks

  • Prepare lump-sum, unit-price, cost plus, and time-and-materials estimates and contracts

  • Implement controls in the accounting processes.

  • Assign functions and roles within the accounting department to maximize controls while optimizing performance.

  • Assist in designing corporate business cycles to achieve better controls.

  • Achieve segregation of duties and internal controls in the accounting department and related functions.

  • Increase reliability on processes and decrease the likelihood of fraud through the organization.

  • Comply with external reporting requirements by governmental and semi-governmental authorities.

  • Develop operational policies and procedures in accordance with internal control requirement.

  • Design and maintain financial controls.

Who Should Attend:

  • Accounting & Finance staff interested to learn more about Internal Audit and Risk Management

  • Senior Management, Departmental Heads, Key Decision Makers, Company Directors,  Organization Stakeholders


The course will be conduct in English and Arabic.

لغة البرنامج: العربية + الانجليزية

Call / WhatsApp us for further information and registration of this program.

Mr Hussein (Arabic): +60 13 245 5065

Mr Sunny (English): +60 17 403 6965



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