T: +6012-6243921 (English)
+6011-60936445 للتواصل باللغة العربية - Øسين/ مدير التسويق - اتصال أو واتساب:

SWIFT Messages Course For Accreditation Documents and Letters of Pledge
Format: 5 Days SWIFT Messages Course
Date: 20 - 24 October 2023
Venue: Manama, Bahrain
Compliance and Shared Services on SWIFT
Transaction and Account Reporting
Mastering the Single Customer Credit Transfer (MT103)
Improving efficiency, cutting costs and, minimising risks is of utmost importance in the face of evolving business challenges such as regulation and competition.
In today’s market it is not enough to simply train a small number of staff on a single subject. To build a qualified and reliable team, you need accessible, relevant training courses on how to use your SWIFT infrastructure accurately and effectively.
Workshop Objectives:
​As a result of completing this workshop, all participants will learn:
Formatting the MT103 according to the latest standards.
Identifying the fields that applying specific rules of SWIFT Messaging.
Using the correct Documentation and Letter format on specific transaction.
Understand the benefits and functions of MT 103 SWIFT Messaging.
Who Should Attend:
Professionals directly responsible for finance and banking functions.
Any Finance and Banking Personnel that interested to learn more about SWIFT Messaging latest input and best practices.​
Call / WhatsApp us for further information and registration of this program.
Mr Hussein (Arabic): +6011-60724931 (Arabic, WhatsApp Only)
Mr Sunny (English): +60 12 6243921
Email: marketing@tsy.my