As people become more aware of the impacts of activities, products and services on the environment, Organizations face increasing pressures to demonstrate sound environment performance by controlling these impacts. They have to carryout environmental performance evaluation which can provide management with reliable, objective and verifiable information regarding their ability to cope with their environment management.
The increasing global awareness on the need to protect the environment has put pressure on the Organization to conduct their activities in an environment friendly manner. To achieve the objectives of the ISO14001:2015 standard the Organization has assess where they are in their effort to maintain and improve the environment around and in their business processes. The standard ISO14001:2015 provides the guidelines for environment management system of an Organization. It establishes environmental procedures that provide for the planning and implementation of an EMS to determine conformance with EMS AUDIT CRITERIA.
This programme has been designed to meet the requirements of this standard (ISO14001:2015) as well as establish a culture of continuously monitoring the achievement of the EMS emplaced in the Organization.
Course Objectives:
Understand the elements of ISO14001:2015 STANDARD
Understand the general principles for environmental management stated in the ISO14001:2015
Able to organize an audit appropriate to the company’s environmental policies and objectives
Acquire the competencies required to conduct an effective audit
Prepare the necessary documentation and recording required for audit report
Conduct a post audit presentation and carry out follow-up activities to ensure that corrective actions and preventive actions are taken in accordance to the findings and recommendations of the audits.
How to report the audit findings
Date: 27th & 28th April 2017
Venue: PacTech Asia Sdn. Bhd., Bayan Lepas, Malaysia
Who Must Attend:
Individuals with ISO 14001 responsibility, in particular:
Environmental managers, Executives and Supervisors
Organizations that are currently operating or certified to ISO 14001:2004
Management system practitioners who will be converting to ISO 14001:2015
Internal and external management system auditors who will be auditing to ISO 14001:2015
Anyone with an interest in finding out how to implement the changes to ISO 14001:2015 .
Feel free to contact TSY Consultancy by Call / WhatsApp to +6017-4036965 or email to marketing@tsy.my