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TSY In House Training #652: Integrated Management Systems Overview Training

TSY In House Training #652: Integrated Management Systems Overview Training
Training started.

The purpose of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to be able to implement and inte-grate elements of management systems in their place of work.

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 are the management systems standards that are common as an integrated management system that relates to quality, environmental and occupational health and safety. They are aligned to internationally recognized best practice, and makes use of the high level structure. ISO 9001 focuses on product quality to ensure customer satisfaction, ISO 14001 looks into protection of the environment and ISO 45001 helps organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces, by preventing work-related injury and ill health. All the three standards are proactively improving organizations’ QEHS performance.

Date: 25th & 26th October 2024

Venue: NationGate Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd., Prai, Penang

Course Objectives:

The programme aims to provide delegates with learning how to:

  • Identify management system principles, the common structure of ISO management system standards, a process based system and the PDCA approach.

  • Explain what is meant by integration, levels of integration and integration strategies.

  • Identify common requirements and terminology.

  • Identify considerations (risks and opportunities) in determining whether to integrate systems.

  • Determine and develop suitable workplace policy, procedures and initiatives to systematically build an integrated system.

  • Develop a plan to manage a systems integration project.

  • Use a Management review cycle to gauge success.

  • Outline the benefits of integrating the management systems within an organisation

Who Should Attend:

This course is ideal for management system managers, practitioners, support personnel and managers within organisations who have, or are planning to, implement management systems based on ISO Management System Standards.

More Pictures:

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