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TSY In House Training #98: Competent Forklift Safety Training

TSY In House Training #98: Competent Forklift Safety Training
Training Begins.

These safety training in means for the operator who drive forklift as their duties and had been trained before. Its 1 day training for the refresher so that they might followed up the proper SOP while handling Forklift.

Date: 8th August 2019

Venue: SMT Technologies Sdn. Bhd., Sungai Petani

Course Objectives:

  • Take safety as a priority.

  • Indicate and find causes of accident at work place.

  • Recognized all components and it function.

  • Realized and had the responsibility in handling forklift.

  • Control or avoid from accident or incidents.

Course Methodology:

  • Kursus akan dijalankan dalam latihan teori dan amali menerusi tayangan slide.

  • Penerangan, soal jawap dan tanyangan video keselamatan dalam pengendalian forklift.

  • Di akhir kursus peserta akan diuji dalam kaedah pengendalian teori dan praktikal dalam pengendalian bahan mengikut SOP.

Who Should Attend:

For forklift driver, ERT, or anybody that related to. Please make sure participants are able to drive forklift truck because practical driving session will be include in this training.

Feel free to contact TSY Consultancy by Call / WhatsApp to +6017-4036965 or email to


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